In Which, I Describe How I (Wish I Had) Packed
So this is the first post that's not directly related to stuff we've done lately or what we're up to now. This one has actually been rolling around in my head and even been sitting here in my drafts for a while since it's something I run into just about every time I leave the apartment.
I've discovered that packing to go live in another country is vastly different than packing to travel. I had a slight inkling of this before we moved, but now I'm really wishing I had paid more attention to the differences between the two.
The biggest difference, in my opinion, is the fact that you're going to live somewhere (DUH), not just travel through it for a few days/weeks. Unless you're someone who normally lives in Lululemon or NorthFace-everything (I'm neither), then you will want regular clothes. And by regular, I mean whatever you normally wear on a day-to-day basis, while keeping the local weather of the place you're moving to in mind.
For me, this means jeans, tshirts, sweaters and flats. I brought 2 pairs of jeans, a plethora of tshirts, and one pair of flats. I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking. Maybe 'balance' or 'equity amongst clothes' or something like that. I don't know.
Now that we've been here for a few months, I find myself wishing I had packed according to the following -
- More jeans. Seriously. I could've brought at least 4 more pairs, preferably in multiple colors and washes. They love colorful jeans here, and I'm sad I left my yellow ones at home.
- Fewer tshirts/more business-casual shirts. I'm not sure how I forgot, but the Hispanic culture loves to dress up. And I don't mean fancy-schmancy, but they typically don't go out running errands looking like slobs. I've grown up around Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Colombians my entire life, I've seen it every day, and yet I still managed to forget it. Tshirts are great for a casual trip to the park, but when I want to hit up a cafe for breakfast or go out in the evening with friends, a tshirt just isn't making the cut.
- Fewer skirts. I'm in the mountains, y'all. The ANDES MOUNTAINS. I'm 8500+ feet above sea-level. It's frequently sunny and 70+ degrees, but it's also JUST as frequently rainy, cloudy and 50 degrees. If anything, I would've been better off bringing capris or long shorts. Skirts will be good for when we go to the beach, but until then, they're basically just taking up room in my closet.
- More flats. Now, this one I am slightly conflicted on. I love to be comfy, and walking for 3 hours on uneven concrete sidewalks or cobblestone roads or in the dirt is NOT comfy. My Sperrys are pretty darn amazing at delivering comfy, but they're also pretty darn beat up. Plus, going to the discoteca in Sperrys is just a huge faux-paus.
- Sweats. OMG. I DIDN'T BRING ANY. I really wish I had brought at least one of my sweatshirts and a pair of comfy lounge pants. I sleep hot, so I was only thinking about pajama-wear, but I totally didn't think about lounge-about-the-house wear! In case you haven't heard, we're 9,000 ft above sea-level. I also spend a good portion of most days inside, either in the morning (when it's chilly) or in the evening (when it's chilly). Since we don't have (or really need) any central heat and since I didn't bring any sweats with me, I end up bundling up with the blankets in bed in order to stay warm.
So, to sum up, I would've brought more jeans, more business-casual shirts, fewer skirts, more flats/business casual shoes and DEFINITELY some sweats.
That being said, honestly I didn't do too bad. Most of the wardrobe that I have is solidly middle of the road, leaning slightly towards casual. It's only really noticeable when I've got something a bit nicer to go to, like, a baby shower (more on that later).
This is definitely a case of "you live and learn." Thankfully, my learning experience doesn't have to last for too long. When we visit in October, I'll be sure to rectify my clothing imbalances to the best of my ability.
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